Laboratorio Analisi Zootecniche | Tel. 0376.528295/529091 |


Laboratorio Analisi Zootecniche

The ZOOTECHNICAL TESTING LABORATORY is situated in Viale Marconi 9, Gonzaga (MN), and has been providing TESTING and CONSULTING services since 1993: the lab provides chemical and bio-chemical testing for the evaluation of nutritional and zootechnical products.
It has held a (District of Suzzara) ASL-approved veterinary laboratory license since 10/03/93.
Medical Director: Marco Mancinelli (Professional register 43111).
Responsible for testing and oversight of the laboratory are, in their respective fields:

  • Eugenio Mancinelli (Agronomist) – chemical and commodity analysis
    (Technical Director with responsibility for chemical testing)
  • Marco Mancinelli (Biologist) for spectroscopic and biochemical analysis
    (RSQ, Technical Director with responsibility for NIR, XRF and biochemical testing)

Laboratorio Analisi Zootecniche - Gonzaga, Mantova


Our laboratory specialises in testing for the evaluation of nutritional and zootechnical products, in particular:

  • The determination of the composition data analysis for optimisation and appropriate rationing (Protein and fibrous fractions, starch, sugars, lipids, minerals (macro and microelements) etc. using traditional methods, NIR and XRF);
  • The identification of undesirable or toxic substances (mycotoxins, nitrates, rancidity etc.).

Beyond the testing results, the service we offer includes consultation on recommended research parameters for the desired information, a primary breakdown of the data, the significance of the results that arise from it, and overall considerations resulting from the analysis.
This expertise has developed over a decade of ongoing work alongside veterinarians, nutritionists and experts in the sector.
Laboratorio Analisi Zootecniche - Gonzaga, Mantova


  • Our work complies with the regulations of UNI CEI EN ISO/IEC 17025, 2005 rev. “General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories” in the Quality Manual. (most recent revision (14/06/07).
    (The laboratory was accredited and approved in the register for self-regulation in 2006-2008).

The laboratory participates in the following national and international ring tests:

  • Università di Piacenza Sacro Cuore (Piacenza- IT)
  • NFTA (National Forage Testing Association, Avoca, NE- USA) *
  • AAFCO (Association of American Feed Control Officials, IL- USA)
  • BIPEA (Bureau Interprofessionnel des Etudes Analytiques, Paris- FR)

*Also for 2017, on the 17/02/2017, the NFTA certifications for wet chemistry and NIR spectroscopy were confirmed (attained in 2011).